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Bancassurance M&A and Growth Strategy

Shoreline Asia

We have extensive, even industry leading, experience in working with Banks and Insurance companies looking to undertake M&A activity, country entry studies, partnership selection, response to requests for partnership proposals and strategic partnerships and joint ventures.


In addition to our experience, we have a considerable library of agreements and due diligence resources to draw upon to help ensure a mutually beneficial and sustainable partnership outcome for all the parties. 


Organisations our people have assisted in their Bancassurance M&A and growth activities

  • GI Regional Strategy advice for DBS Singapore

  • 4 separate insurer engagements for partnerships with Panin Bank, Bank BNI, Bank BRI and Bank Mandiri in Indonesia

  • Sacombank seeking an insurance partner  in Vietnam

  • Sun Life on the approach to DBS region ally

  • Panin Bank in the sale of their life company in Indonesia

  • CIMB seeking an insurance partner in Malaysia

  • Equity Life in approaching various regional banks in Indonesia

  • Generali in approaching 2 separate banks in the Philippines

  • PNB (Philippine National Bank) in helping secure an insurance partner

  • ABIC insurance (GI) in finding an international GI partner in the Philippines

  • ING on their approach to Public Bank Malaysia

  • TATA AIG team approaching United Bank of India

  • Allianz’s approaches for bank partners in Taiwan

Image by Erik Eastman
Korean Street Neon Signs

Implementation and Execution

Post M&A and partnership formation; our people are specialists in Bancassurance  implementation and execution – especially start up’s in new developing Bancassurance markets.


Implementation and Execution start up projects include: 

  • Maybank Bancassurance in Malaysia

  • AXA Mandiri with Bank Mandiri in Indonesia

  • Panin Dai-Ichi Life and Panin Bank in Indonesia

  • Astra Life and Permata Bank in Indonesia

  • Krungthai AXA and Krungthai Bank in Thailand

  • Muang Thai Life with Kasikorn Bank in Thailand

  • AXA Metrobank in the Philippines

  • IDBI Fortis in India

  • SBI Life and SBI Bank in India

  • Allianz Life and Ta Chung Bank in Taiwan

  • Shing Kong Life and Shing Kong Bank in Taiwan

  • Maybank and Etiqa in Cambodia

  • KBZ MS and MOB Bancassurance implementation pilot in Myanmar

  • Rawbank and Rawsur in the Democratic Republic of Congo

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